Parent Meeting

Al Mahdi Foundation Unit 3, St Johns Works, 3 Fern St, Bury, Greater Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Kick-off meeting with parents to discuss upcoming year

Madrassa Opens – Arbaeen Assembly

Al Mahdi Foundation Unit 3, St Johns Works, 3 Fern St, Bury, Greater Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Opening of Madrassa and Arbaeen Assembly

Assembly on 11th Imam

Al Mahdi Foundation Unit 3, St Johns Works, 3 Fern St, Bury, Greater Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Martyrdom of Imam Hassan al Askari

Birthday of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

Al Mahdi Foundation Unit 3, St Johns Works, 3 Fern St, Bury, Greater Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Celebration with a craft workshop and party

Food Drive Assembly

Al Mahdi Foundation Unit 3, St Johns Works, 3 Fern St, Bury, Greater Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Introduction of Food Drive in the name of Hazrat Abu Talib