Martyrdom of Lady Masooma

Al Mahdi Foundation Unit 3, St Johns Works, 3 Fern St, Bury, Greater Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Commemoration of Lady Masooma's martyrdom

Fatimiya period – Shahadat of Lady Fatima

Al Mahdi Foundation Unit 3, St Johns Works, 3 Fern St, Bury, Greater Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Commemoration of the martyrdom of Lady Fatima

Rememberance Day of Lady Fatima

Al Mahdi Foundation Unit 3, St Johns Works, 3 Fern St, Bury, Greater Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Commemoration of Lady Fatima

Demise of Lady Umal Baneen

Al Mahdi Foundation Unit 3, St Johns Works, 3 Fern St, Bury, Greater Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Commemoration of the death of Lady Umal Baneen

Shahadat of 7th Imam

Al Mahdi Foundation Unit 3, St Johns Works, 3 Fern St, Bury, Greater Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Commemoration of the martyrdom of the 7th Imam