Birthday of Imam Hassan (as)

Al Mahdi Foundation Unit 3, St Johns Works, 3 Fern St, Bury, Greater Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Celebration of Imam Hassan's birthday

Birthday of Imam Ridha (as)

Al Mahdi Foundation Unit 3, St Johns Works, 3 Fern St, Bury, Greater Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Celebration of Imam Ridha's birthday

Eid Al Adha party

Al Mahdi Foundation Unit 3, St Johns Works, 3 Fern St, Bury, Greater Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Celebration of Eid Al Adha

Eid al Ghadeer competition

Al Mahdi Foundation Unit 3, St Johns Works, 3 Fern St, Bury, Greater Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Parents invited to final assembly